SM—Seminar in Metaphysics

For next term the Seminar in Metaphysics will acquire focus on Social Metaphysics—making “SM” still fully apt ;-)!

The aim is to contribute to foster and consolidate research lying in the interface between foundational issues in metaphysics and the philosophy of language, on one hand, and social, political, and legal philosophy as well as the philosophy of gender, race, and sexuality on the other—thus connecting with the interests of some local philosophers in groups  Law and Philosophy and LOGOS and, more generally, the recently created BIAP—Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy.

Besides this focus in remit, the format of the SM will keep basically the same. We will be discussing work in progress, with pre-distributed drafts to be read in advance, without presentations by the “speakers”, with an extensive part of the slot devoted to “editorial” feedback as to how to improve the paper.

We will do our best efforts to comply with the guidelines for respectful, constructive, and inclusive philosophical discussion:

The SM runs for the core months of the terms, Oct-Dec and Feb-May, on Fridays, 15:00-17:00 at room Ramon Llull (=”ex-Lògica”) (Facultat de Filosofia UB, Montalegre 6, 4th floor, map).

Srping 2019

Provisional schedule. (Please, find an archive here.)

  • March 1: Bianca Cepollaro (San Raffaele): “The Moral Status of Reclamation”
  • March 8: Pablo Rychter (València): “Abilities and Social Self-conceptions”—Postponed
  • March 15: Pekka Vayrynen (Leeds): “Evaluative Properties, Determination, and Multiple Realization”
  • March 22: Samuel Chilovi (Barcelona): “Grounding-Based Formulations of Legal Positivism”
  • March 29: Justina Diaz Legaspe (CONICET) & Adam Sennet (UCDavies): papers on slurs and substitutivity
  • April 5: Serena Olsaretti (ICREA & UPF): “Fairness and Sharing the Costs of Children”
  • April 12: Pablo Magaña (UPF): “Conceptual Ethics Meets Political Theory: The Case of Non-Human Animals”
  • April 26: Boo Jackson (Nottingham): “Sexual orientation: sex, gender, and sexual ‘druthers’”
  • May 3: Marta Jorba (UPV/EHU): “Conceptualising Intersectionality”
  • May 10: Giulio Pietroiusti (Barcelona): “The Cowl Does Not Make the Monk: A Noncognitivist Account of Disagreement”
  • May 17: Alexander Dinges (Hamburg) & Julia Zakkou (Freie-Berlin): “Knowledge and Acquaintance in Subjective Discourse”
Convenor: Dan López de Sa (ICREA & Barcelona)
Sponsored by: Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona and FFI2016-81858-REDC (FEDER-MINECO)